Scott Kennedy Art of the Wilderness

Art of the Great American West…

Towering peaks and rugged wilderness where wildlife is truly wild, and the Western spirit thrives


Explore the collection of Wilderness Art by Scott Kennedy

Dedicated to conservation and organizations such as The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Trout Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society and others.

The Art of Scott Kennedy

Art incorporating rare 18th century windows frames. When combined with his figurative paintings they take on a mysterious and alluring quality. These pieces explore the soul and essence of his subjects through an open window.


“Since creation’s birth, there are places where it seems the aura of Gods presence still lingers…
I call it wilderness”

- Scott Kennedy

The internationally respected Art Renewal Center has named Scott as aLiving Master” with several paintings being featured in their international ARC Salons.